Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two of the same

Street Cleaner, and Coptic Times.... two bands, or one? The first band has the super fast pissed off feel that makes you want to break something, and the second sounds nothing alike that but still fast punk rock music, even though they hate it.... Coptic Times will make you think of Black Flag, haha. Both bands with there completely different sound share the same members, just jumbled around and throw in a extra guitar player for Coptic Times. All great friends of mine as well, and I’ve probably taken more photos of them as a band(s) then any other just being that they somehow end up playing a lot of shows and I’m always there with them. They played last night at Emo’s and I tagged along once again and snapped a few pictures, I went light with just my D90 and a 50mm 1.8 lens, and no flash. Emo’s stage lighting is pretty dark and red, but at the same time I enjoyed what came of it, just crank that ISO up to 3200 and shoot away.

A few other updates:
- my camera bag has recently grew
I have a shoot this weekend with some little kids playing in water fountains
booked some weddings
SXSW is getting closer
I started riding my BMX bike again
I got a new computer
Austin weather is pretty amazing right now
New business cards are on order for SXSW

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Austin, TX
Photographer, Computer Geek, Straight Edge, and Taco Lover. I Photograph live music and people, this blog is where I will showcase all of my recent work. Contact me if your interested in my services, or if you just wanna say "Yo!". Just about all of the photographs you see here are available as prints, click where it says "buy prints"
